Unique system of control of access of spectators with the tickets, developed by the company Infomatika, successfully applied in sports venues of the 16th world Championship in water sports
Held in the capital of Tatarstan, from 24 July to 9 August 2015, the world championship by water kinds of sport caused a huge interest among Russian sports fans and foreign fans and guests.Look at the competition of famous athletes receive about 27 thousand spectators, and the total number of tickets sold for the competition more than 300 thousand pieces.
A large number of visitors of the Championship requires a high pace corporate services to provide a comfortable and safe environment of visiting of sports.
For this purpose, in the framework of the ICT infrastructure at the four year deployed a multi-level system of control and access control of spectators by ticket only.The main objective of system - monitoring and the provision of access of spectators to sporting events.
Convenient purchase of tickets and save time at security checkpoints are an important component of quality of service and are designed to minimize the occurrence of stressful situations.
Partner in the development and organization of an effective system of control of access of spectators to the sports facilities aquatic Championship was the company Infomatika with successful experience in the development of software systems and interactive solutions for sports infrastructure, including objects of the world summer Universiade-2013.
In accordance with the FINA requirements and the specifics of the Championship, the company's specialists have developed multi-level integration solution that enables interaction between the official ticket operator and the control system and access control at eight venues.
A software solution makes it possible to integrate ACS with the database of the official ticket operator, creating a single ticketing system that provides for the admission of visitors to sporting events.Each terminal has installed special software that reads the bar code and verify the ticket data in real-time.
A system of control of access of spectators by ticket allows you to: To improve the control of access of spectators to objects.Thanks to the integration with the database ticket operator data on the sold tickets go into the access control system of the corresponding object in the online mode.
The ticket is checked for compliance with event, date, time and number of charge.
Based on these data the system gives a conclusion about the possibility of passage.In the case of prohibition of the passage-the reason indicated.To prevent possible abuse by spectators and staff.Fake or duplicate ticket is useless, because all actions with the ticket (purchase, pass or return) is automatically recorded in the system.
If necessary, the ticket terminal is translated into a service mode and allows the barcode to check the entire history of the ticket.The system of control of access of spectators deployed at the four competition venues:The arena floor water, the embankment of the river Kazanka, Kazan stadium arena, Palace of water sports.
Ticket inspection is carried out using two stationary AMS (in the stadium Kazan-arena and the Palace of water sports uses existing turnstiles) and 29 mobile terminals checking tickets U2013 installed at other sites of the world Cup.
Every day, the competition is visited by about 27 thousand spectators.All in all, from the start of the season through the terminal check-in took more than 280 thousand people.