Moscow State University

Moscow State University

Equipment hardware-software complex AIS "Campus card" legal and economic faculties of Moscow State University.M. Lomonosov.

Implemented in 2016

Campus card of the Moscow State University is a personalized multi-functional chip card Mastercard® Sberbank developed on the basis of a social card. It is an identifier for students and faculty on campus, as well as the key to the digital services of the university and the city.

Multifunction card combines banking and non-financial applications. For example, the MSU students will use it as a building security pass - for this at the inputs special electronic turnstiles are installed for which it is enough to bring the card to readers. Thanks to the social applications the card can be used as a discount ticket on public transport in Moscow, a policy of compulsory health insurance, as well as to get discounts in trade and service enterprises in the framework of the social card partner program.

Within the project Infomatika specialists performed as follows:

1. Development and implementation of a complex multi-level integration solutions of AIS "Campus Card", which allows to produce an information data exchange between the participants of the campus map emission process: Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, PJSC "SberBank" and SUE "Moscow Social Register". The system provides forming and maintaining the register of campus maps (from the application for release to lock), data cards and IDs of their status in the ACS to provide non-financial services in the territory of the Moscow State University through specialized infomats.

2. Equipment of entrances of faculties buildings with modern stationary control system and access control based on the TSACS LENTA  that avoids unauthorized access of unauthorized persons to the territory of the university, to monitor visitors in the context of different categories, maintain reliable accounting of passes, including one-off and time passes. Premises and entrances to the parking (barriers) have been equipped with electromagnetic locks, and building entrances with turnstiles parking stationary system "Perco". All data on passes through them come to the main access control system with the help of a specially designed gateway integration that allows exchange of data between online systems, thus all the passages information is recorded in the control system LENTA and may be viewed in real time.

3. Integration of software-based solutions on the basis of ACS LENTA-Accreditation which provides data collection from external information systems and compliance with common rules for the operation of all sites.

To make one-off and temporary permits it was developed a software solution called "website design applications for admission", the right of access to which belong to certain employees of the university. The site is formed by the application indicating the data about the visitor that after consultation with the security service is sent to the access control system. One-off paper badge with a bar code can be, for example, printed your own, having received it by e-mail, and a temporary pass is issued on the plastic basis at student pass office.

Also, in order to reduce labor costs the procedure of registration of participants in the events (conferences, seminars, etc.) was completely automated. For this functional integration of "Website of MSU conferences" ( and "Website of registration of applications for admission" was implemented. For registered participants data based system generates a pass (badge) with a bar code,# and transmits the information further to the central SKUD. The badge is printed by an event participant or is issued by the organizer.

To obtain data on the number of people attending conferences and workshops the lecture halls of the university are equipped with meters of accounting visitors.

4. Development and installation of specialized of informants V.19 in the territory of departments to provide non-financial services to owners of campus cards. A unique software solution allows informants to find out timetables, view the campus map and build a route to the right audience, order books in the library (you can print the number of your library card if necessary),to request help from the dean's office (for students) and accounting (for employees).

Moscow University is the oldest classical University of Russia, includes 15 research institutes, 41 faculty, more than 300 departments and 6 branches (including five overseas — all in the CIS).

The University has about 35 thousand students in undergraduate, specialist and master degrees, and 5 thousand graduate students, doctoral candidates and 10 thousand students of preparatory departments, a total of about 50 thousand people.Faculties and research centers employ 4 thousand professors and teachers, about 5 thousand researchers.
