"Khimki" professional basketball club, Moskow region
Building a ticket system for Khimki basketball club on the basis of the Lenta ticket system.
Implemented in 2016.
As part of the project, Infomatika provided full automation of ticket sales and built the Khimki BC ticket system.
- Introduction of Lenta ACS ticket system;
- Integration of the system with the venue's existing ACS;
- Integration with the club's CRM system.
- Equipment of backend node and workstations (automation of 2 cashier workstations and 1 manager workstation).
- Development of an online ticket store on Khimki BC website
Uploading tickets and downloading pass info for every game is quite time-consuming and inconvenient.
To solve this problem, the Club was supplied with a standby software and hardware access control system Lenta ACS Lite and 10 manual mobile Lenta Data Terminal scanners. The mobile complex allows controlling the spectator access by tickets at any facility, regardless of the facility's ACS.
The information about the tickets sold is communicated online between Lenta TSACS and the ACS'Lite access control server. This allows ticket checking using a manual scanner, even in case of communication downtime.
Providing the club with an efficient and user-friendly tool to work with both individual ticket sales and bookings, quotas, and group reservations. Organization of online tickets and season tickets sales.