Infomatika has been developing and deploying ticketing systems and specialized access control and management systems since 2007.

Ticketing and access control systems Lenta

Specialized full-featured system for ticket and services sale automation and spectators and accredited persons


The first project in 2006 was a theme park, and since the beginning of 2007, the Bileton project was launched to become the first ticket operator to use Lenta system in its work. 

The landmark for us was the Central Kazan stadium ticketing system project delivered as part of preparation for the 2009 Champions League matches. The incredibly interesting home games of FC Rubin with Barcelona and Inter were held with the stands fully occupied.

We have developed unique card reader models and special structural elements for the stadium entrance. This was a serious trial for our ticketing system, after which Lenta TSACS was highly appraised by UEFA experts. 

Then was the 2013 Summer Universiade where we were responsible for ensuring spectators and accredited persons access control simultaneously at 53 venues, and 16th FINA World Championships where our ticket ing system was providing access to more than 27,000 spectators daily.                                                                                                                                                           

In the run-up to the 2018 FIFA World Cup, our company equipped 5 of the 12 stadiums that hosted the 2018 World Cup matches with Lenta ticketing system.                                                                                          

Our team prepared the TSACS of the Kazan Arena stadium for the World Championship matches, as well as introduced the stationary ticketing system at four new stadiums of the 2018 World Cup: in Kaliningrad, Saransk, Samara and Rostov-on-Don, having completed the entire work scoe from design through to installation and support. 

Lenta TSACS is the leading product in professional sports clubs systems market and is recommended by UEFA and FIFA for installation in football stadiums. 

FIFA WORLD CUP Qatar 2022 

The successful track record of participating in the 2018 FIFA World Cup allowed our company to confirm its leadership in the production of specialized equipment and software for ticketing systems and win a contract for supply of spectator access control system to the 2022 AL Rayan World Cup stadium under construction in Qatar.

Developed and first put into operation in 2006.

Successfully operates in 45 Russian cities.

Equipped over 100 facilities


Megasport palace of sports, Moscow
Bolgar state historical and architectural Museum-reserve
CSKA professional hockey club
Krylatskoe sports complex, Moscow
Kazan Arena Stadium
Tatar state philharmonic society named after G. Tukai
ХК Локомотив
Lokomotiv professional hockey club, Arena 2000 Entertainment Complex, Yaroslavl
Galiasgar Kamal tatar state academic theatre, Kazan
Kazan state academic Russian Bolshoi drama theatre named after V. Kachalov
Kazan Expo


LENTA TSACS is used by 26 professional SprotKlubov and more than 100 sports and cultural and entertainment facilities.



In-house access control system equipment with unique functional and design characteristics

In addition to turnstiles, we produce all necessary structural elements: enclosures, pavilions, controllers, readers, interactive boxes of video identification systems integrated into the ACS


БК «Химки», Московская область
Болгарский государственный историко-архитектурный музей-заповедник, г. Болгар
ФК «Ростов»
Елабужский государственный музей заповедник, г. Елабуга
ПБК «УНИКС», г. Казань
Татарский государственный театр кукол «Экият», г. Казань
Парк «Зарядье»
ХК «Витязь», г.Подольск
Бугульминский драматический театр им. А.В.Баталова, г.Бугульма
Выставочный музейный комплекс «Городская Панорама», г.Казань
ПХК «ЦСКА», г.Москва
ХК Локомотив», г. Ярославль
ФК «Оренбург»
Государственный музей изобразительных искусств, г. Казань
Татарский государственный академический театр им. Галиасгара Камала, г.Казань
Казанский академический русский большой драматический театр им. В.И.Качалова, г.Казань
Альметьевский татарский государственный драматический театр, г.Альметьевск
Казанский государственный театр юного зрителя, г.Казань
ХК «Салават Юлаев»,г.Уфа
ВК «Динамо - Казань»
Татарский академический государственный театр оперы и балета им.М.Джалиля, г.Казань
МГУ им. Ломоносова
Исторический парк «Россия – Моя   история»
ПБК «Локомотив-Кубань»
Билетный сервис сети ресторанов «Максимилианс»
ВК «Зенит-Казань»
Государственный большой концертный зал им.С.Сайдашева, г.Казань
Государственный историко-архитектурный и художественный музей «Остров-град Свияжск»
ФК «Рубин», г. Казань
Стадион «Казань-Арена», г. Казань