2015 FINA World Championship
The World Aquatics Championship is the largest international competition held under the aegis of the International Swimming Federation (FINA). More than 2,600 athletes and 1,800 officials from 191 countries came to participate in the water world cup in Kazan. More than 36,000 participants were accredited for the event: organizers, journalists, volunteers, representatives of emergency and customer services.
More than 27 thous. spectators visited the famous sportsmen competitions daily and the total number of tickets sold was more than 356 thous.
accredited participants
tickets sold
check-in terminal
accreditation verification terminals
To ensure the participants' safety, a complex multi-level accredited persons access control system was deployed at 13 sites of the Championship as part of the information and communication infrastructure, and a ticket-access control system was installed at four competition venues.
To control the accredited persons' access to the facilities, a software solution was developed that provided round-the-clock data communication between the access control system and the Accreditation Management AIS which stored detailed access data and rules for all accredited Championship participants.
Upon reading the identification code of the badge, the system verified a participant's data in an online mode and, in accordance with the access rules, allowed or prohibited the passage to the venue.A total of 82 accreditation terminals functioned at the facilities.
To provide ticket-based access, Infomatika developed a multilevel integration solution that enabled interfacing between the official ticketing operator and the access control system at the sports facilities. Special terminals ran software that allowed you to read ticket barcodes and check the ticket data in a real-time mode. Tickets were checked using two stationary access control systems and 29 mobile U2013 terminals installed at the World Championship venues.
The access control system was passed through by an average of 60,000 people daily, including 27,000 spectators.
In total, for the period from July 27 to August 9, 2015, more than 336,000 spectators passed through the ticketing system of the Championship.
As part of technical support, Infomatika specialists were in constant attendance of all sports facilities during the Championship.The company carried out round-the-clock on-line control of all the systems from its office in IT-park, which allowed monitoring the terminals’ health and promptly respond to any changes in ACS operation.